Big news!TailCtrl is now part of Grafana Labs. Read the blog to learn more.

From the blog

Learn how to get the most from your distributed traces.


Getting Started With TailCtrl

This post explains how to send OpenTelemetry traces to a TailCtrl agent. We aim to make the process as smooth as possible - it can be broken down into three steps.

1. Deploy a TailCtrl agent

2. Instrument a service with OpenTelemetry

3. Configure the instrumentation's trace span exporter


Making the Most of Grafana Cloud's Free Tier

Grafana Cloud is a fully managed cloud-hosted observability platform ideal for cloud native environments. It's a tightly integrated stack for metrics, logs, and distributed traces. While anyone can download Grafana's open source software and run it, it can be a challenge to setup and maintain the whole stack. Self-hosting becomes even less attractive when you consider Grafana Cloud's wonderful "Free Forever" plan with generous usage limits, such as 50GB for traces with 14-day retention!

Make the most of that free 50GB with TailCtrl – only traces of interest will be sent to Grafana Cloud!